• 1401/02/26
  • - تعداد بازدید: 152
  • زمان مطالعه : 2 دقیقه




  • Afsaneh Ghasemi, Khiyali Z, et al. Investigation of the Relationship Between Social Support and Adherence to Treatment Among Elderly Individuals With Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research,2020;11(4):1-10


  • Zahra Khiyali, Farzaneh Aliyan, Seyyed Hannan Kashfi, Morteza Mansourian, Ali Khani Jeihooni. Educational Intervention on Breast Self-Examination Behavior in Women Referred to Health Centers: Application of Health Belief Model. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2017; 18 (10), 2833-2838


  • A Askari, AK Jeihooni, SM Kashfi, A Marzban, Z Khiyali . The effect of educational program based on belief, attitude, subjective norm, and enabling factors model on changing the metabolic indices in elderly patients with type II diabetes. International journal of preventive medicine, 2018


  • Zahra Khiyali, Farzaneh Aliyan, Seyyed Hannan Kashfi, Morteza Mansourian, Ali Khani Jeihooni. Educational intervention on breast self-examination behavior in women referred to health centers: Application of Health Belief Model. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP, 2017
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